About us

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is a new planning concept that addresses transport-related challenges and problems of urban areas in a more sustainable and integrative way. It is a strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life, both today and in the future. In contrast to traditional transport planning approaches, the SUMP places particular emphasis on  the involvement of citizens and stakeholders, the coordination of policies between sectors (transport, land use, environment, economic development, social policy, health, safety, energy, etc.), between authority levels and between neighbouring authorities.

The Baltic Sea Region Competence Centre on SUMP brings together the knowledge and good examples of sustainable urban mobility planning from the Baltic Sea Region. The aim of the competence centre is to assist cities in developing their SUMPs by giving information, support, exchange of knowledge and experience as well as training on the process itself. The Good examples database collects SUMP related cases from around the region and is one of the main services provided by this online platform.

The Baltic Sea Region competence centre on SUMP is led by the University of Gdansk, supported by the UBC Commissions on Environment and Transport, as well as the City of Gdynia. The physical contact point of the centre will be at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk.

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The centre has been established within the CIVITAS DYN@MO project , which promotes sustainable mobility, innovative transport services, social interaction and non-polluting lifestyles is funded by the European Commission's CIVITAS Initiative.