Good Examples

The approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning vary quite widely throughout Europe. The Baltic Sea Region Competence Centre on SUMP brings together the knowledge and good examples of sustainable urban mobility planning from the countries around the Baltic Sea.

The Good Examples database includes examples of complete plans that can be considered as SUMPs as well as examples of different elements of the mobility planning process that are relevant for SUMPs. Both, cities with a lot of experience with integrated planning approaches and cities initiating the SUMP process can learn from the examples.


The integration of mobility management with land-use planning in local authorities has a large potential to influence both mode choice and travel demand. Twelve municipalities in Sweden have for three years (2012-2014) participated in a network established by the Swedish Energy Agency, to analyze, implement and evaluate such solutions.


A SUMP requires a new way of thinking for many local authorities. This can cause problems in cities where previous transport plans were centred around the use of cars. This change in thinking was the challenge facing the city of Örebro, Sweden, during the development of their sustainable urban mobility plan, within the BUSTRIP project.


Integrating traffic planning into the general city plans gives possibilities for long-term visioning.


Developing a mobility plan in Sundsvall was based on wide cooperation between transport planners, politicians and other departments in the municipality.

Trafikprogram  för  Örebro kommun cover

The mobility plan for Örebro (Sweden)  includes objectives and general principles for traffic in the city. It also serves as an umbrella for a whole range of standalone documents which, in most cases, contain their own measurable objectives and/or precise measures to be taken.
